The Christi neoprene tote. Someone once asked me who my retail business mentor was and without blinking an eye, my answer is Christi. She dominates the retail word and I have had the pleasure to watch, be a part and learn from the best. She is a doer. She is a giver. She is great friend. She is ALWAYS on top of the cutting edge trends which is totally different than being "trendy". She collaborated on this style and the antelope pattern will be a staple in the Taylor Gray neoprene collection. It is playfully exotic with the animal print and sophisticated colors of rose' and midnight blue. The metallic champagne stipe down the center will allow this tote to stand out.
Thank you, Christi, for being my friend, my mentor, my cuss buddy and such a huge supporter of me, Taylor Gray.
Dimensions: Tote...23 inches wide (side panels expanded)